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Recommended Supplier Spotlight – Covertec Structures

marquee wedding experts - Leicestershire - Covertec Structures

Mark and Louise Gamble are the husband and wife team behind Covertec Structures, a high-end marquee company based in the heart of Leicestershire. Alongside a small hand-picked team of staff, the couple provide a marquee planning and hire service that’s second to none.

‘We listen carefully to the needs and wants of our customers and turn these into a reality. Our ethos from day one has always been ‘your marquee, your way’ and we really do mean that. We offer advice and support to customers but ensure we don’t ‘tell them’ what to have – we work with them to create their dream, not ours!’

Experts in their field, Covertec Structures pull out all the stops to ensure clients have the best marquee set-up for their event. Working with them on Lily and Gareth’s marquee wedding last summer, we found the team to be flexible, professional and incredibly responsive. The quality of their marquee build was excellent, and they also provided onsite support to deal with any snagging throughout the build and on the wedding day itself. In other words, they’re more than worthy of a Supplier Spotlight feature!

marquee wedding experts - Leicestershire - Covertec Structures

What inspired you to start your business?

For as long as he can remember, Mark has worked within the marquee industry, so it was an obvious progression for him to start his own marquee business. Louise comes from an equestrian background, so she’s certainly not afraid of being outside in all weathers and pitching in with the manual side of things, but her real passion is working with customers to help them turn their dreams into reality.

We quickly realised our combined strengths could create the foundations of a great business! We also acknowledged a gap in the market. Though other marquee companies were already in existence, we realised the fundamental element that was missing was a customer focused, bespoke service.

We began trading 16 years ago, shortly after the birth of our first child, Archie. The real driving force for starting Covertec Structures was to build a family business that in the early years would provide a healthy work / life balance, allowing us to time to spend with our young family while also nurturing and growing the business. As the children got older and business took off, the determination to build a sustainable and reputable business for our children to take over has been the motivation to keep the business moving forward.

What do you enjoy most about your business? 

We love the variety it brings – no two customers or events are the same! Some days can be very stressful, but it’s so rewarding seeing the end result after months of planning and hard work. We also love receiving customer feedback and photographs – it’s a massive boost for the team knowing how pleased and happy our customers were on their big day!

What has been the best moment of your business so far?

There have been lots of memorable moments over the last 16 years, but there have been a few that have really stuck with us. Many of our customers have a vision but don’t know how to turn it in to a reality. We drum down right to the very last detail and make it happen ... but it is always the overwhelmed, surprised look on the customers face that makes it memorable! Many of our customers even shed a tear or two when they see the end result.

marquee wedding experts - Leicestershire - Covertec Structures

Describe a ‘typical day’ at Covertec Structures?

There is no typical day in our company and that’s why we love what we do! We’re constantly busy ensuring we meet the ever-changing demands of our customers and we’re often to-ing and fro-ing between the office and a marquee site. Some days the phone rings non-stop, others we’re bombarded with emails – we’re certainly never short of jobs to do!

Generally, our three strong office team are in communication with customers or other suppliers pulling event details together and putting final plans in place. Meanwhile, our ‘manpower’ team are either at our base in Lutterworth prepping equipment, loading it on to a lorry or on site putting a marquee up. Both teams work in conjunction with each other to ensure the whole process runs smoothly.

What are you most excited about in your business plans for the next few months?

Throughout the Covertec journey we have invested and re-invested time and time again in our equipment, and we are very proud of the high quality, modern marquees we have available. For the first time in a long time, we are looking forward to standing back and watching our stunning structures go up knowing they really are the best they can be! We are working on lots of very exciting projects during 2020 so keep an eye on our social media pages for updates!

Thank you, Mark and Louise!

Visit to learn more about their fantastic bespoke service. As Mark and Louise said, you can also keep up-to-date with the latest Covertec news on Instagram and Facebook. Finally, to see some of the other fabulous weddings, party and event suppliers I’d recommend, click here.

Until next time, happy planning!

Val x

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